If you used your Google account to register, your password will be displayed as "unregistered". If you would like to register a password, please follow the steps below.
- After logging in, click "Membership Information".
- Click "Register" in the password field.
- Confirm your registered email address and click "Send".
- If an account exists for the email address you entered, you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed. Click the link in the email that was sent to you.
- A screen to enter a new password will be displayed. Enter your new password, and click "Send".
- A completion screen will be displayed. This indicates that you have successfully reset your password.
* 1: By selecting "Google Login" on the login page, you can continue to use Google Login even after you create a password.
*2: Please note that if you log in with your email address and password on the login page, your account will not be linked to Google and will only be able to log in with your email address.
Click here if you have forgotten your password.
Click here if you remember your current password and would like to change it.